Monday, August 7, 2017

2017 Pediatric Complex Care Association Conference

The Pediatric Complex Care Association is pleased to announce that registration for its annual educational conference in Philadelphia November 8-10, 2017 is now open. 

The conference brings together providers of care for children with medical complexity that include physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, nursing home administrators, pediatric therapists, social workers, and educators.  Conference highlights this year include a keynote address by Rick Guidotti, an internationally known photographer speaking on “Positive Exposure: Seeing Beyond Diagnosis and sessions on leading generational diversity, infection prevention teams, augmentative technology, sensory environments and behavioral intervention. 

For further information on the conference and to register, please click here or contact  For more information about the Pediatric Complex Care Association or to become a member, visit their website


  1. I attended this pediatric complex care association conference in 2017. This conference gave me knowledge about how to treat kids and how to solve their problems. I also suggest other parents to attend as attending these conferences might be very helpful for them in learning about the issues of kid.

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